
Life Solution Alternatives is a personal finance education company that provides fiduciary financial planning and investment management services. We are dedicated to educating Middle America in the art of how money works, with a focus on helping our clients overcome the three hurdles obstructing their path to financial success: inflation, debt, and taxes. With the right assistance and planning, we believe everyone has the potential to achieve their personal finish line.


Living Benefits

Are you still protecting your family and finances with the "old kind" of life insurance that only pays out if you die? Living Benefits life insurance...

Fixed Indexed Annuities

By combining downside protection with upside potential, an indexed annuity can provide the balanced, sensible investment approach...

Tax-Free Retirement

Life insurance has changed drastically in the last 25 years! Learn how Indexed Universal Life Insurance (IUL) can capture market growth while...

**IUL for Kids

Ever wondered about the best way to get them off on the right foot financially? Learn how Indexed Universal Life can help you build a...

Estate Planning

Are your ducks in a row? Planning for what happens to your stuff when you’re gone isn’t supposed to be the most pleasant activity in the world, but it is absolutely critical to make sure that what you want to have happen happens if the worst thing that can happen… happens! Watch the video above to find out why estate planning is so important and discover the one easy step you can take to get started.

Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT)

The future of America is expensive, and Uncle Sam is already taking steps to drastically expand the estate tax (aka the "Death Tax") in order to pay for it. Do you and your heirs stand to be affected? Do you have a plan in place to address that possibility? If you plan to someday leave behind an estate for the people you love the most, the time to start thinking about the best strategy for that transfer of assets is now. An Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust is an increasingly-popular strategy you may want to consider.

Living Benefits

Are you still protecting your family and finances with the "old kind" of life insurance that only pays out if you die? Living Benefits life insurance is the new, evolved kind of life insurance. With Living Benefits, you have the power to accelerate your death benefit while you're still living if you suffer a heart attack, cancer diagnosis, stroke, or any other Critical, Chronic, or Terminal illness. Living Benefits safeguard your family from the cause of 50% of the bankruptcies in the U.S. every year - medical bankruptcy following a critical illness.

Tax-Free Retirement

Life insurance has changed drastically in the last 25 years! Learn how Indexed Universal Life Insurance (IUL) can capture market growth while providing protection from market losses. This unique wealth-accumulation vehicle provides policy-holders with the potential to enjoy a happy, healthy, tax-advantaged retirement.

Mortgage Protection

A Mortgage Protection Plan is the smartest, most efficient way to safeguard your most important assets. These simple, affordable plans protect you and your family from slipping into foreclosure if unexpected events occur that could threaten your ability to make your mortgage payments on time.

IUL for Kids

Ever wondered about the best way to get them off on the right foot financially? Learn how Indexed Universal Life can help you build a powerful financial foundation for your child. These plans harness the power of compound interest while providing several unique side benefits.

Business Preservation

If you’re a business owner, you’re busy, and busy is good! Proper planning, however, is something every smart business owner has to take time to prioritize.

Fixed Indexed Annuities

By combining downside protection with upside potential, an indexed annuity can provide the balanced, sensible investment approach retirement savers are seeking.



You just don’t know what tomorrow brings


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